WTF 2025 - WTF is it all about?!

If you’re Anti-Goals, read this…

I believe in taking it slow and steady as we unfold into January and taking most of the month to figure out WTF you want for 2025. And by figure out WTF I mean make to some bad ass goals that are going to expand you as a human but feel fucking amazing in the process.

If you haven’t created some goals that feel fucking FABULOUS and aligned with yourself and how you want to feel DO NOT WORRY! There is absolutely no rush but you DO need to do it, and here’s why…

Because if not you are going to be working towards someone else’s goals, dreams or vision for their life!

Yep that was dramatic but I want to set at least 1 goals for your fucking self and let go of the outcome, it doesn’t really matter if you actually achieve your big goals for the year. What matters is you have them, you are pointing in the direction of them and you keep moving towards them. Inch by inch, moment by moment. Keep checking in occasionally see how it’s going and course correct where you need to here and there.

Because regardless of outcome, you’ll be damn sight nearer them if you create a goal and start moving towards it then if you fuck it off all together and don’t bother at all because you scared of failing.

AMEN! 🙏🏼

4 Steps to creating YOUR BAD ASS GOALS…

Over the next 4 weeks I’m going to be showing up on emails/blogs sharing everything you need to set goals and intentions for 2025 that you will actually be excited to work towards!

You can just take what you need from this as you want OR you can grab your copy of WTF 2025 which is a Journal/Workbook/planner that will guide you to figure out WTF you want in a strategic format to REALLy get to the bottom of what feels exciting for you in over the next year.

Here’s what I’m going to cover over the next 4 weeks. Ooh, and make sure you join up to emails HERE.

Week 1 - UNRAVEL WTF (week of 13th Jan)

Week 2- EXPLORE WTF (week of 20th Jan)

Week 3- PLAN WTF (week of 27th)


(extra section that leads into WTF monthly sessions ✌🏼- where I will invite you to join with WTF February, the monthly sessions I host in WTF to Thriving that will support you each month to cultivate WTF you want for the year and beyond!)

I’ve got mine printed off and I’ve started working through Part 1 - Unravel WTF which I will go into in more detail over the next few days ❤️

More from me SOON, but if you are feeling like you are ready to DIVE THE FUCK in to WTF you want for 2025 go grab your copy with 50% off✨✨✨

Start here ⬇️⬇️⬇️


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  • Watch out for lots more coming in 2025!


4 Steps to creating your Goals for 2025


Start moving from WTF mode*