4 Self Love Goals for September

It’s the practically the end of September!

When the fuck did that happen?!

As I start gathering the outline for this blog post, this (above pic) is the situation. Snoozy gal catching 40 winks on me which is just beautiful. :)

I don’t know about you but September felt like great time to realign with your goals, behaviours and habits that are focused on how you want to feel.

But if you missed brief moment on 31st aug/1st sept when you felt you should have been doing this check in with yourself, you need to let that shit go! It really doesn’t matter when the fuck you do this, as long as it feels right to you!

If now feels right ask yourself…

Am I giving myself the care I need?

Am I listening to myself and my body?

Am I responding to my needs?

Am I nurturing and nourishing myself?

Do I celebrate what I achieve?

Do I tell myself that I am loved?

Whenever I set intentions/goals for myself I start with HOW DO I WANT TO FEEL?

Loved is up there, Connected to myself - my wants/ needs and desires and right now consistency is something I’m working on.

From here I outlined 4 self love goals that are super specific to feeling loved, connected to self and consistent in how I show up for myself, so I can continue strengthen how I feel about and how I look after myself, and to build more love for myself and who I am :)

My 4 goals I’m going to focusing on for September are…


❤️ ‘WTF DO I WANT’ JOURNALING once a week

Journaling is therapy for me, and I haven’t got back into fully since I had Bea. Before that I found time a few morning a week to unpick what was going on for me in my mind, body and soul and I am missing it so much. And while I have found space for some reflective journaling practices like gratitude and achievements - exploring deeper into my thoughts and feelings has been something I’ve avoided.

So my goal is to,

Journal once a week for 20 mins using the prompt:-

WTF do you want for yourself and your life Katy…

Knowing WHEN you intend to do something and planning it into you calendar as a protected appointment can really help actually achieve the goals you set, so I plan to do my 20 mins journalling on a Monday at 11am after my yoga session while I have brunch before I start work at 12. - Boom!


❤️Intentional bedtime 🥱- planning what time I go to bed and sticking to it ✌🏼

Prioristing rest and sleep is something I really want to get better at so planning my bedtime everyday for the month, and try and roughly stick to that is a step in the right direction to embedding a bedtime routine that meets my needs.

I’m giving myself up to an hour’s grace to get my ass in bed.

Bedtime and just deciding to get my arse in bed is a sticking point and something that is first to be ditched when I’m not prioritising my needs and my self love is starting to slip.

So each week I’m going to plan my bed times in advance and set the intention prior to this. Giving more focus to my bedtime, having a wind down and set plan for my evening hours and getting for bed when I put Bea to bed or early doors in going to help with this.

I’ve created a note on my phone for this but using a habit tracker like this one (click to download) can help to monitor how your getting on with goals like this.


❤️Take my Vitamins EVERY FUCKING DAY

The vitamin market is a frigging minefield and because of this and the price of some of them I have neglected to add supplements into my day to day. Anyway, I committed to buying some and I am NOT regretting it. It might only be placebo effect but I feel better for them already. If you want to look into the ones I decided on, they are Alyve which I have linked with £10 code if you want to try them. I liked that they were ‘tailored’ for me from a quiz I did initially. Because I felt like I wanted a few areas covered in 1 this seemed to tick all the boxes I wanted covering and was the easiest option.

Ideally we would get everything we need from our diet and I just don’t feel like I am right now so I just fucking went for it rather than procrastinating for another 3 years and still feel low in energy and foggy/unfocused.


❤️ It’s ok to look after myself Mindset ✨

I want to create a little mindset routine/ritual for ditching the guilt that can coming an abundance when making time for myself. Even I stuggle with this from time to time so I want to create a Guilt Free Self Love Ritual to help with that. Not only is this something that crops up for me, but EVERY single woman I’ve worked with initially believes that time is the problem as to why they can’t and don’t priorate themselves or make time for self love practices. But once with unravel a few layers, underneath us giving away our soul to every other fucker is the feeling that they SHOULDN’T be prioritising themselves, that it is selfish and that they will be judged for doing something to boost WTF they want and need in their life. SO, we have to work on shifting this mindset and belief that we SHOULDN’T make time for ourselves and work on creating a IT’s OK to make time for yourself mindset instead, once we start work on It’s ok, we can build this I embrace and LOVE making time and space for myself and feeling fucking amazing about it.

Time to ditch the shit and guilt and start making moves towards loving featuring in your own life.

I will do a blog post about this once I’ve created it.

Now it’s your turn...

If you want to build more love for yourself in the last 3 months of 2024 here’s what I suggest you do.

  1. Think about how you want to feel for the rest of 2024 and maybe even beyond.

  2. Make a list of things that will help to feel more of each thing you have stated.

  3. Create a specific goal that will help you towards that

  4. Plan HOW and WHEN you will fulfil that thing to want to achieve

  5. Monitor/Track as you go - download habit tracker here


Book onto my Self Love Clinic - these are one off 1:1 self love goal setting sessions with yours truly - together we can work together to create 1 or 2 self love goals SPECFIC for you!

These will be 30 min sessions, via zoom with the intention of build be better, more connected and aligned relationship with yourself :)

Limited availability each month so grab your slot and then I will be in touch to book it in :)

Coming soon from KWC…

WTF to Thriving

- Join the KWC community for Monthly Sessions to undo overwhelm, chaos and self doubt and create aligned intentions and goals leaving you motivated, confident and full of self belief and love!

This is for you if you are ready to make time and space for you in your life and want to feel realigned so you can take your next steps with confidence. - YEY!


Start moving from WTF mode*


This is Katy Wright Coaching