This is Katy Wright Coaching
Hello, I am Katy Wright Self Love and WTF coach. I will help you get OK with making time and space for yourself and support you to figure out who you are and WTF you want, so you can confidently give more fucks about yourself and feel fucking fabulous as you do!
give more fucks about you
give more fucks about you |
I feel like every blog I’ve started lately has begun with “it’s been a while” but I’m hoping that won’t be the case going forward, because I am back bitches and I am buzzing for it!
So a quick catch up…
I quit my job to pursue self employed life which actually transformed into getting pregnant, having no income and a head full of dreams that left me feeling overwhelmed for a long long time, torn between the glitz of getting into running my own biz and the shitz of early motherhood.
Eventually I just let myself meet myself where I was at and concentrated on my baby girl who is not such a baby girl anymore.
Over the last year I returned to work (we needed money for fuck sake - we were literally living off fresh air, credit cards and anything I could sell on vinted!) and I’ve crawled my way back to feeling fucking amazing again - on the whole anyway!
Self Love and getting clear on WTF you want is my jam, but just because I know WHAT I need to do, think, feel etc. doesn’t mean I actually fucking do it - let’s face, it we’ve all been there. Some seasons are for existing only and doing what needs to be done. Which is what the last few year have been for me. But I’ve been gradually unraveling myself again, out of my cocoon and into what’s next for me and my coaching. I’ve been expanding, embracing and getting onboard with the vision in my head again and I’m ready to get myself out there again!
I plan to expand more on this in another blog at some point but for now I wanted to outline what I’m bringing to my business and how you can get stuck in :)
I aim to help as many women, meet themselves and learn to love themselves exactly where they are right now so they can go forward giving more fucks about themselves. Because we all need to give a fucks about ourselves! (most of us anyway). We are the most important thing in our lives and I am making it my mission to help with this!
As I’m starting to expand my offer again and developing into my business I am going to take it slowly(ish) and I only intend to take on what feels good for me, that being said I have lots of ideas and potential in person events in the mix too.
This is where everyone should start ✌🏼- The Quickie is 6 micro self love practices that anyone can fit into whatever is currently happening in life - I get it, time can be minimal, money non-existent and the thought of making time for yourself is bringing you out in hives! Starting small is not only easy it will start to begin to open your mind up to the notion that you are important in you life too - something that needs to be embedded everyday, even if it’s beginning with saying to yourself- I allow myself some time and space. I feel good making time for me. ❤️
Just give it a go. If your excuse is - I don’t have time, THIS is for you.
This is a printable planner if you are wanting to start feeling more in control and intentional with your time. This monthly undated planner gives you all you need to organise your time and of course I want you to make sure some of what YOU want features in there! ❤️
Download and print off as many times as you need! ✌🏼
My bible of self love. A practical Guide to giving more fucks about yourself, so you can learn to make time for yourself and feel ok about it. This e-book is part workbook, part guide so you can explore who you are and WTF you want alongside building your self love. I believe the FOUNDATION of authentic self love is connecting with yourself and knowing what the fuck you want for your life, and revisiting and tweaking this along the way. Knowing and embracing allows confidence to build in ourselves, allows us to know our boundaries, why they matter and more chance of sticking to them. This Manual has part of my soul and I’m excited to use it for myself and evolve it further in the future ✨
This is available now and I have £5 off when you join my mailing list.
A mixture of all kinds of shizzle, that’s all you need to know. Aiming to deliver these monthly for now but there maybe be some extra ones here and there :)
Coming Soon
Monthly Self Love Check In - I will be trialling this monthly self love check in and planning session with current clients and previous members in September. This will be a online group session held at the end of the month to give you accountability with making time and space for yourself and the opportunity to reflect on what your needs are and how to make more space for you!
More in person events are in the planning pipeline, a mix of solo and future collabs. Scarlet (from tropic) and I will be planning more Fizz, facial and Self Love Sessions as we loved them, and so did the fab ladies that joined us for our first showdown! It was epic, it was a vibe and we fucking loved it. The gals that joined us felt inspired, relaxed and empowered too!
Thank you for reading this blog, hopefully you got something out of the words on this page. The blog and content here is free, but if you have really enjoyed some of my work and fancy buying me a brew - it would be amazing and absolutely make my day. Or leave a comment below :)
Toodles for now,
Love Katy x
Some more shizzle from ME!
The Self Love Manual
The Quickie - FREE Daily SELF LOVE Guide
Get access when you sign up below :)
Get anytime access to The Quickie. A Daily Self Love Routine that ANYONE can include in their day so they can feel fucking amazing and love who they are - and what the fuck they want!