2024 - already?! WTF?
Well hello 2024 you crept around!
And if I’m honest I’m BUZZING to get some order restored to the chaos that Christmas has left in its wake! DECLUTTER AHOY!
I’m deciding to try and replace my aimless, mind numbing scroll time on all of the socials into something a little bit more worthwhile! My WTF Blog 🤪
Words about WTF I feel compelled to note down. Musings, ideas, guides suggestions and so on!
So how better to kick start my new habit but to give you some pointers about leaning into the new year vibes.
I little note here…
It is not compulsory to create unaligned, outrageous, courageous or in fact ANY goals at all for the upcoming year just because it’s January 1st.
But if right now you do feel like have a little explore into what you might want to call in for the year ahead - I have a few questions below that will help you figure out WTF you want for 2024 :)
(next week I’ll be putting 5 mini blogs to help with this.)
Explore these questions…
WTF HAPPENED? (Let’s looks at 2023 - the good, the not so good and the FUCKING AMAZING?!)
How the F**k do you want to feel day to day, minute to minute, week to week?
WTF do you want MORE OF for 2024?
WTF do you need LESS OF for 2024?
How/What/ Why! ❤️
This last section is where the magic happens!!! ☺️☺️☺️
Over the next week (or 2) I will do a mini blog series on each step which will allow you to dive deeper into these prompts 🙌🏼
This will give yourself 10 mins each day to explore or about 1 hours if you want to do it all in one go! This will be a free blog series that will create a mini WTF for 2024 exercise 🥰
I love giving myself time to ponder my intentions for the year when it feels right for me! Usually I leave it until middle/end of January when I don’t feel pressured to create just because that’s what every other fucker is doing!
This is what I was calling for more of/less of in 2023… just if you were wondering (although I know you weren’t) - but I do love being nosy to the more vulnerable details of peep’s lives so here’s mine!
I’ll be doing a little review of whether 2023 was all I dreamed it would be… watch this space :)
night night 🤩
Love Katy ✨