I'll keep it simple.

*WTF Mode is when you are living life on auto pilot, often feeling overwhelmed, chaotic and life can ONLY be described as busy, but not I a good way! Giving a million fucks about what everyone else wants and needs and little / NO fucks about what you need!

This can leave you exhausted, neglected and under attended too as there’s minimal time, space and energy for left for your needs and even dare I say it - wants!

(Yes it is OK to want things that will bring joy and nourishment to your life!!)

We exist in our life instead of living in it. Which is ok for short term or certain situations but for the long term…. - it’s a no!

SO, What’s the problem with WTF mode?

Most of us end up in lost in WTF mode from time to time, as it's normal to have phases of life when surviving and getting through is all we can do. And that's ok!

But when we get stuck in the overwhelm and chaos for too long we can...

+ become disconnected from ourself,

+ forget what's important

+stop seeing the bigger picture,

+fall into comparison mode,

+over consume - in many ways

+get trapped in our own thoughts (overthinking)

+overlook our basic needs +care

+struggle to make decisions

+become impatient

+have a limited attention

+ procrastinate, delay or put off things

+feel negativity towards ourself (and others)

+stop knowing WTF we want

etc etc...

These can happen when we don't have (or give) enough time, space or energy for ourselves.

My WTF Mode experience…

Most recently I was stuck in WTF mode after having my little girl. It’s completely normal to function in survival mode in busy time of our lives or when change occurs. But for me this was a massive slump that took my about 18months to recover from.

Learning who I was and what the fuck was important to me once I became a mum for this first time was - massively overwhelming. That teamed with a feeling the I had to get my shit figured out - quick sharp added boundless pressure to me in a time when that had already sky rocketed.

The problems was suffering from during this time was

* lack of resources - mainly money and energy to do anything about it,

*comparison to every other fucker - gaaaar

*feeling out of control/no knowing how to proceed

*feeling like i’d lost identity and sense of self - forgot what was important for me separate from my family and that was so debilitating.

I will do a whole post on it as I feel like it needs more words but just wanted to share an example of when I faced WTF mode.

It’s at the point when you aren’t fully struggling, depressed or burnt out - but if you don’t change it up thats where you can start heading - if you know what I mean?

The other time I had this was when I turned 30, a massive point to be like - WHOAH WTF do I want for my life - more on that on another blog.


WTF Journal Moment.

Find 10 mins, grab a pen and paper as soon as possible to explore…

  • What the fuck is going on in my life right now?

  • How do I feel about that?

  • AND

  • What do I want to change?

If you are ready to move from WTF mode download my FREE guide to get you started.

This is for you if you…

>Are ready to make little changes for big results,

>Know you NEED to start finding time and space for you in your life,

>Want to figure out WTF you want for yourself and your life

More soon

From Katy - the WTF Coach


2024 - already?! WTF?


The WTF blog